The only thing I don't like about this is that she's coiling up her legs,making her look shorter than she is.However it is beautiful and she's showing that gown to perfection!
great shot, but honestly, i'm not in love w/ it. her hand looks like it is attatched to her chest, and she really isn't doing anything interesting like some of the psoses of the other girls.
agreed Flow, she has a hand growing out of her breasts and it looks like she is 8 months pregnant. i will never understand why people love this photo so.
Very elegant and the close-up is perfection. The dress looks amazing. The only problem I have with this is the hand coming out of her chest. Great, but definitely not deserving of the first call-out, especially considering how good Heather's and Lisa's shots were.
lol... this was definately the best out of all of them. The way she is holding her weight up there and still looks like she holding a feather. I mean... this is perfection.