her skin tone looks great in this picture and her face is stronger than past weeks but overall BLAH. Seriously every photo she takes she is just standing there or giving awkward/101 poses. Aminat will be a strong runway model but thats it. This is one of her better pics on the show tho...but thats not saying much...
I quite like the face in the close up but im over Aminat's same look.. they talk about Allison having one look have they seen Aminat and Teyonas same faces every single image? Close up:
Watching the shoot, Aminat looked AMAZING! But this shot is average. I personally think she deserved to stay because her look and body and walk is so strong. But I bet she's going home next.
^^^Ugh god, it makes me sick just thinking about it. But at the very least, no matter what happens, we will have either Celia or Allison in the top 3. Tyra isn't crazy enough to send them both home in top 4 week.
This is an OK shot. But I do know for sure that I will watch this episode tomorrow again just to see Ami! She was amazing during the Go Sees, just as I was hoping. I absolutely adore her, and I think she totally crushes all of the girls that are left in runway! (Heck, she probly is the best walker this cycle!)