The pose rocks, but the face sucks. I agree with what one of the judges said about this picture. She looks like a UFO is sucking her upward. I love Teyona. She has potential.
None of the photos were perfect but this was a great start. Really ambitious, one of the best jump poses I've seen from ANTM. I don't see the face being bad at all, its very unusual and thats great for fashion. She looks like a street angel.
I'm really loving the pose here. It's dynamic and it makes her look vey long. The face could have been worked better. I think she will take note of what the judges said about how to place her head so it won't be smaller than it already is. I love Paulina for making that UFO comment Her body and face remind me of Furonda but Teyona has a better walk. Wind in the face, pshhhhh. She's one of my frontrunners.