if they did it on purpose then it's cruel knowing the fact that this photo is going in her portfolio where she has to flash this one to each and every agency ...
Disgusting! I know you want to be a top model! But models shaves...armit!
it's bad that she wasn't fotoshoped,
but she must know that she is model and maybe they wouldn't photoshop her in that place...who cares...
This really irritates me, of course having armpit hair is bad for a woman but was there really a need to choose a picture with it showing? Why couldn't of Tyra just picked a better photo and said "I have to warn you, in some of your pictures we saw alot of armpit hair, so get rid of that." That way we would of gotten a beautiful picture and Fatima still would of learned a lesson.
^ I completely agree with you, Epochalypse! I think Tyra's reaction was somewhat catty. That said, I think Fatima's face is very strong in this shot but I'm not too keen on the positioning of her arm. It looks like an awkward appendage. If her arm was cropped out I think it would look better. Random: Did anyone else like Fatima a little more after she admitted she never shaved under her arms? I found her to be a bit endearing and I actually liked her for a moment.
I agree Epoch. Just like how they set up Janet in c9. I sometimes wonder if what they choose is really the best shot, or they're picking lovely ones and some bad ones just to set people up.
it's bad that she wasn't fotoshoped,
but she must know that she is model and maybe they wouldn't photoshop her in that place...who cares...