She could of done alot better. This was one of the easiest one's to portray. Especially since she had props. I would of kept some of that money if i were her. That's the least they could give her for eliminating her over Keenyah.
i don't get why it is SO bad, but I think it might have been stronger if she looked like she was trying to protect the money from everyone else but herself... Still I don't think it is that bad.
this one kicked keenyahs ass the only reason tatiana got kicked off cause she wasnt black and tyra is racist and always wants at least one bleck girl usally (besides cycle 1 and 11) to have a black girl in top 3 really her getting eliminated before keenyah makes me sick
This was a very safe photo. I'm a big Tatiana fan but I kinda wish Tiffany or Rebecca made it to this week. Though Keenyah was so unforgiveable that it makes this forgiveable.