It was her time to go. I'm with the general opinion that while Kendal has like the perfect look, she never delivered anything above mediocre. Although in her defense how do you portray Vera Wang???
so happy, with how the judges decided this week. and i liked how honest she was, saying that she needs more experience but i don't get how mr.jay told he rabout vera, that she isn't afraid to smile and stuff and then she just stood there in every single frame byby kendal
Vera Wang is always smiling and comfortable looking. Kendal looked hostile and bored. the photographer tried to give her direction and she did not listen. Her honesty is admirable though.
AHHHH! lol.. i want to shake Kendal! I love her to death, but she didn't do to well on the show. I just hope she goes home and actually practice, because she has IT! Ugh! I wish she didn't live in Alabama, I can't imagine how she will get big in her small town. I wish her all the luck in the world!
The best shot this week, not only does she have to do nothing to be more edgier than the other girls. It's that she did nothing to be edgier than the other girls. Thank you Ms Brown, you did your damn thing one more time before you got the boot. You my nig tho!
I read an interview, and she wasn't planning on modeling after the show, after the critique she got from Mr. J throughout the competition. He made her feel like she didn't have what it takes. But recently she decided to keep trying, by starting in a smaller market like ATL to get more experience before NY. I TRULY hope she keeps modeling!
So much potential, but it's true that ths picture sucks :'(
[Oct 22, 2010 at 03:08 PM]
i knew it was time for her to go. on her defense though, she prob got the hardest designer to embody. seriously, how do you portray vera wang? everyone else except jane got someone that matched their own personality and look and kendal got the most boring designer (but i still love vera wang lol).
What ELSE was she supposed to do as Vera Wang? This is her in a nutshell. Way to go Top Model, throwing another model out who may have actually gotten this show some credibility should she have won.
Kendal is so stunning to me (although I rolled my eyes when Tyra said that the judges hadn't seen a face like hers in a long time, because she does remind me of a younger Krista sometimes), but her photos weren't as great as I wanted them to be.
[Oct 22, 2010 at 06:37 PM]
How does she NOT know who Vera Wang is?Come on,everyone knows Ver Wang does weddind dresses. Duh.