She's very beautiful and is a great example of a blank canvas type of model, but I'm not terribly interested. It reminds me of Brittany cycle 11's first photo in the sense that it's simple, unmemorable, but overpraised.
Honestly... I think the face is beyond cheesy. Like, "HEE HEE HEE MOMMY HEE HEE HEE MOMMY MOMMY HEEE HEE HEE!!!" Not like, "Ha ha!! This is fun!!" Kinda like Christina C4 happy look in the Top 5 judging test.
@David, I thought NONE of them were memorable and ALL of them were overpraised. And the shoot was crap. To me, this beotch did the best lol. And I think C11 Britt's first picture was overpraised by the judges, but very underrated by the fans.
^^He said the only SHOOT, not the only SHOT. And I agree. This shoot was bad, with horrible styling, but I liked the rest this cycle. And Nijah's shot is one of the best of this bad shoot