it's very clear that she's the one going home next week. i love her to death but she's not the next top model. i love her personality more than her look which isn't very high fashion
Gotta say, I LOVE HANNAH. She was my pic since week 1, Im proud she made it to the top 3, but that's it. Brittani oficially step over Hannah, so did Molly still love her! third place is exactly where she belongs to. High hopes for you, Hippie Hannah!
I disagree QueenVillainess her portfolio is actually quite strong and fairly consistant. Remember her beauty shot with the bees and the photoshoot with the leopard? Either way I love this top 3 and will be happy no matter who wins
A CHEAP-looking TAXI-cab + An Exquisite Evening Gown ??? LOL !!! Hannah had been SABOTAGED !!! How about THIS .............. An Exquisite-looking Evening Gown + A Luxurious Limo Ride . THAT might have helped making this pic appear a bit better & a bit more decent ................
Her photo doesn't look good because of her outfit and her hair and makeup! And also the cheap taxi! If she had the same set and outfit/hair/makeup as the other girls she'd had rock this photoshoot! >_>
Ehh I think I'd keep her over Alex. I mean, this is easily the worst of the week but Alex wasn't really improving even after all the chances they gave her.