now I've seen all her pictures again i don't know how the hell she made it so far xD like, every icutre of hers suck except for the makevoer one xD IMO both plus-sized girls really sucked this seaons... if one seaosn should've had two pluses was three, toccara and mary, I sooo loved mary shes was like a big sexy latina natalie portman!
PPPLLL youre right, she is one of the worst models in top model history, she is one of those contestants that don’t deserve to be part of the show, just because theres no talent or potential
[Nov 26, 2011 at 05:28 PM]
This is probably the worst of the week. Though the cropping of the photos make it look worse, though that isn't her fault.
I Like this photo, The Thinker is amazing, The Peaceful one is good, but it doesn't look peaceful it looks seductive but still, good The Secertive is the only bad one she looks drunk, The Comedian.. Hmm.. Well, She went for it.
Seriously? What was this un-modelesque girl thing when portraying these emotions? The thinker one would be okay, if it was portraying "mean girl" or "arrogant", but as a male, I think that I could pull off better poses than her.
secretive = tired
peaceful = drugged up
thinker = bitch
comedian = child catcher