AWFUL never show the back of your arm to the camera! I didn't like her in her cycle struck me as a spoilt brat hope to god this isn't her makeover, she is a good model though
I LOVE HER MAKEOVER!!! Its about time one of the girls got a real edgy makeover instead of just the same old cuts and colours and if you've got a manly face you have to go short and all that crap. I'm soooo glad! The makeover makes her look stunning! Great girl
From her first moment on screen I was mesmerized. Stunningly beautiful and a clear versatility in my eyes that makes her worthwhile. I've examined her work from BNTM and thereafter and I'm legitimately impressed. Sophie seems to understand cameras and dominates photos in the way the models of the late '80s and '90s did. I hope she performs well but more importantly that she can expand on her already decent career.
This is a hideous shot but I was just ecstatic about her being in the running. She was one of my two favorites back in BNTM5 (despite her inconsistency) and after seeing her in person, it just sold it for me.