I agree with Benettelle. She isn't really doing anything but just standing there topless. But at least it ain't hoochie or pornographic (aside from the exposed breasts, which I am not interested in any way ). And is it me, or do I see a little Lisa Ramos in her face?
Whoever Photoshopped this picture did a terrible job and doesn't seem to have a good grasp of the female body. Benettelle, relax, it's artistic nudity; grow up. I wish Brittany would open her mouth slightly because her expression here is a bit boring, but I love that she looks confident.
^ LOL. What?! I'm not a Brittany fan... but all the "porn" comments getting thrown around are ridiculous. Nobody looks at Megg's or Mollie Sue's photos and yells porn (or if they do, it's waaaaaaay less than Brittany's).
I'm so sick of the stupid prejudice over nude modelling on this site. Not every single photo that has breasts exposed is "porn". Grow the fuck up and open your eyes.
This looks like some fail barbie doll produced to teach young boys about sex.
@Tai, you know I love you, but there's a huge difference between Brittany's nudes and Mollie's or Megg's nudes. Those are much more tasteful whereas Brittany's just reak of trash. Its not really her fault but it would help if she could draw a line. I vaguely remember her saying she feels extremely comfortable with her nude body.
@Tai, you know I love you, but there's a huge difference between Brittany's nudes and Mollie's or Megg's nudes. Those are much more tasteful whereas Brittany's just reak of trash. Its not really her fault but it would help if she could draw a line. I vaguely remember her saying she feels extremely comfortable with her nude body.