^Because Tyra felt bad that she was picking all of Eugena's worst photos. How could this be her BEST? It's not, I agree she should have been B2 because her shoot was crappy but IMO, Tyra chose sucky shots of Eugena so that it would be less obvious that she was 10x better than drunken trailer trash CariDee and Issa. The only shoots Jay said she did REALLY badly on were the Romance Novels and the Hair Wars.
I think it is a bit much to call Caridee trailer trash. Melrose not trailer trash, shes is just a fake bitch.
[May 03, 2009 at 05:55 PM]
It is going a little too far calling Cari trailer trash, but the truth is, she has no place in the industry. At least Eugena and Melrose can book some jobs. As for this shot, I don't like it. It looks like a man and the hand looks broken.
^It's funny, you don't think CariDee is trailer trash but you think that she has no place in the industry, but I think she is totally trashy but if she lost the lobster tan, 10 pounds [at the time of the show, it'd be like 20 now] and stopped smoking and drinking and got some sleep, she'd probably be an amazing commercial model. She was beautiful at the time of her cycle, and I thought her look was very 90s and could have gotten some swimwear/glamour/commercial jobs in 2006, now she's lucky to get invited to B-list parties.
It's not THAT bad, honestly. Again, she's doing the squint that Tyra talks about. And the styling IS doing a lot, though. But the photo does deserve some credit here and there.
I dont care what anyone says this photo is feirce.The only wrong thing with it is the hand.If she extended her fingers out, this photo would be perfection.
Umm, what's so bad here? I really don't understand the hate, the styling may be the worst but she really isn't doing anything in this photo. In fact the only reason the judges reamed her was because of her poor attitude on set not because this photo is particularly bad