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Whitney Thompson

Whitney Thompson

[ANTM]_Whitney02_(Sarah_McColgan).jpg [ANTM]_Whitney01.jpg [ANTM]_Whitney03c.jpg [ANTM]_Whitney03c.jpg Whitney13~0.jpg

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SAPPHiiRE.xo   [Apr 24, 2009 at 02:53 PM]
i wanted cycle 10 to go like this...
14. Allison
13. Lauren
12. Katarzyna
11. Atalya
10. Fatima
9. Claire
8. Aimee
7. Whitney
6. Marvita
5. Anya
4. Amis
3. Dominique
2. Kimberly
1. Staceyann Very Happy
Michelle&AmandaBabin   [Apr 24, 2009 at 03:44 PM]
^lol that's quite a mix >.<. No offense. I'll post mine in a sec

Edit: Here -

14 - Kim[quit]
13 - Whitney
12 - Dominique
11 - Crazy Amis
10 - Atalya
9 - Staaaaaceeeeeeeey
8 - Marvita
7 - Claire
6 - Lauren
5 - Aimee
4 - Allison
3 - Fatima
2 - Anya
1 - Katarzyna

Though I'd be happy with anyone from my top 7 winning. Or Marvita lol.
Costaricafashion   [Apr 24, 2009 at 03:48 PM]
I just would have liked Anya over withney. I do not understand why you picked her 14th if she had a wonderful homeless shot
Michelle&AmandaBabin   [Apr 24, 2009 at 03:51 PM]
^I thought her Homeless shot was hyper ICK. To quote Nolé, she looks worried, she looks old. And to quote Janice, the pose sucks.
I honestly think its one of the worst pictures of C10.
Costaricafashion   [Apr 24, 2009 at 03:55 PM]
OK I respect your way of thinking Wink
Michelle&AmandaBabin   [Apr 24, 2009 at 04:22 PM]
^rofl I'm guessing that means you disagree? well its ok. I never really liked Whitney or her pictures anyway.
Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra   [Apr 24, 2009 at 08:33 PM]
My C10 elimination order:
Allison- 14th Place
Kimberly- 13th Place
Amis- 12th Place
Marvita- 11th Place
Whitney- 10th Place
Dominique- 9th Place
Atalya- 8th Place
Lauren- 7th Place
Claire- 6th Place
Stacy Ann- 5th Place
Aimee- 4th Place
Katarzyna- 3rd Place
Fatima- 2nd Place
Anya- 1st Place

I suppose Lauren and Claire could possibly be switched but otherwise, this is the way I wanted it to happen.
topmodelfan101   [May 05, 2009 at 11:45 PM]
Stop hating on her PLEASE! The best thing that could've happened to all those girls was to not win ANTM!
iluvantm56   [Jul 06, 2009 at 08:26 AM]
she is so gorgeous! i fell in love with her when i saw her lingerie ppic. she looks alot like kennedy from the My Scene dolls!
Morrie   [Jul 15, 2009 at 03:51 PM]
I think that Whitney is gorgeous. She's not the best model out there, but when she's good, she's really good. At least I think so.
iLoveKatarzyna   [Aug 31, 2009 at 03:09 PM]
here's my elimination order:
14 - kim (quit)
13 - atalya
12 - dominique
11 - stacy ann
10 - whitney
9 - amis
8 - claire
7 - marvita
6 - allison
5 - aimee
4 - fatima (too inconsistent for the top 3, imo)
3 - lauren
2/1 - anya or kat, i'd be fine with either one.
steagle   [Aug 31, 2009 at 05:08 PM]
iLove we got it, you dont like Whitney, there is no need to spam it across her entire portfolio.
antmmaster03   [Sep 02, 2009 at 11:50 PM]
Hannah Montana   [Dec 05, 2009 at 10:13 PM]
14. Allison
13. Claire
12. Aimee
11. Katarzyna
10. Anya
9. Kim
8. Amis
7. Stacey Ann
6. Fatima
5. Atalya
4. Dominique
3. Lauren
2. Marvita
purpleamerica7   [Dec 26, 2009 at 12:27 PM]
jesse, here is my list:
10-Camille McDonald(ugh.)
9-Isis King(MAN)
8-Saleisha Stowers(more tyras fault then hers, but still.)
7-Stacy Ann(freaking annoying)
6-Cassandra Whitehead(Ick.)
5-Claire Unabia(can't stand her)
4-Brandy Rusher(whiny bitch)
3-Bianca Richardson
2-Bre Skullark(WHAT A BITCH!)
1-WHITNEY THOMPSON(i hate her. i hate her so much. i can't stand her. EW!)
10-4 I really don't like AT ALL.
3-I hate her sooo much.
2- I hate even more
Costaricafashion   [Jan 22, 2010 at 01:42 PM]
^Are you Digimonnexttopmodel?
antmgenuine   [Jun 02, 2012 at 09:06 AM]
So many Whitney Haters, I love Whitney, But I don't like this photo Embarrassed
14. Allison
13. Fatima
12. Atalya
11. Kimberly
10. Katarzyna
9. Aimee
8. Claire
7. Stacy-Ann
6. Lauren
5. Dominique
4. Marvita
3. Anya
2. Amis
1. Whitney

I will never understand how Whitney is more hated then.... Aminat.. -.-"
BryanJanDavis   [Jun 11, 2012 at 08:42 AM]
I think my general hatred for Whitney kinda waned over time, but now, I'm just getting increasingly uncomfortable with the exposure her heinous double standards are getting. She's up on Vogue Italia's website now and she's spreading the whole plussie supremacy bullcrap, and what's worse is people are actually buying it. I feel like Whitney's ignorance is just spreading like wildfire nowadays.
thegayangel   [Jun 23, 2012 at 06:45 PM]
Hate her so much that I like Dora better AND I hate DORA....
Canadagirl1234   [Nov 30, 2013 at 05:26 PM]
14. Kim (quit)
13. Claire
12. Whitney
11. Lauren
10. Atalya
9. Allison
8. Aimee
7. Amis
6. Stacy Ann
5. Marvita
4. Katarzyna
3. Dominique
2. Anya
1. Fatima

I'll admit this is mostly personal lol I really just can't stand Whitney, Claire and Lauren and just love Dominique . Do I think Whitney deserved it? No. But I honestly hope that the judges knew that and knew that it would be hard for her to find work oversees as a plussie

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