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Kimberly Rydzewski
Photo: Natalia Borecka 
For: Faint Magazine #4 (June 2011)

Kimberly Rydzewski

Photo: Natalia Borecka
For: Faint Magazine #4 (June 2011)

5BFaint5D_Kimberly01_28Natalia_Borecka29.jpg 5BFaint5D_Kimberly02_28Natalia_Borecka29.jpg 5BFaint5D_Kimberly03_28Natalia_Borecka29.jpg 5BFaint5D_Kimberly04_28Natalia_Borecka29.jpg 5BFaint5D_Kimberly05_28Natalia_Borecka29.jpg

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angle   [Jun 20, 2011 at 02:33 PM]
this is great!!!
Magical_Juan   [Jun 21, 2011 at 12:24 PM]
Thats good Smile very Andy Warhol
puppetmasters21   [Jun 23, 2011 at 02:54 PM]
This spread achieved everything it was going for. She needs to slam out more of these.
SassyLilYui   [Dec 08, 2011 at 03:50 AM]
I never get bored to look at her work....her work is totally urbarn and unique fashion. Of course, high fashion is what Tyra Bank always mentions. However, i think the fashion that Kim always shoots is more interesting. Smile
BryanJanDavis   [Jun 11, 2012 at 08:41 AM]
This is hilarious. I kinda like it just because its so out there. Plus, it helps that she is just so stunning. If this was exactly the same except CariDee were the model, it would probably look cheesy considering her more exaggerated face shape

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