^What makes you think she cussed her out? The interviews say that her and Tyra had a sort of Tiffany c4 situation, except Natalie said some things that showed how the show was rigged, so of course Tyra wasn't going to show them.
^^^^they didn't show her doing tht but celia was talking about it in a youtube video. im gonna check it out right now where it is. but i wish i saw her go crazy. I FOUND IT! okay go 2 this link: h t t p : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = S h Tm 7 u x C a _ o & f e a t u r e = r e la t e d just take out the spaces. its the interview with celia and she talks about it, but sadly no one will ever see it.
^ Thanks for the link! Watched it from beginning to end. You gotta love Celia, nothing gets to her! I would KILL to see the footage between Natalie and Tyra, but I think they were cool with each other in the end. For those who want to know, the whole "argument", if you will, was based on Natalie thinking the show is full of shit.
I only have one word...FIIIIEEEEERRRRCCCEEEE *finger wag* Totally the best of the week, she kicked all of their asses from one end of that stage to the other.
Celia's interview