androgyny isn't about looking good in men's clothes. androgyny is possessing features that could translate to both sexes. i don't mean this in a rude way, but i would be scared as HELL if i ever saw a guy who looked like this.
HUNDREDS of people have big noses and lips. it's not a stereotypical norm for males. androgyny is a male possessing wide cheekbones, small jaw, large eyes, lips, regular sized nose, thin eyebrows, etc. for women, it would be having a strong jaw, bushy eyebrows, smaller eyes, etc. large nose and lips are not a norm for the average male.
[Dec 15, 2008 at 10:16 PM]
I agree with david. Look at those hands... they are feaky...
I don't find anything drag about Coryn at all. Dominique looks drag with too much makeup though.