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Katarzyna Dolinska
Photo: Ben Cope

Katarzyna Dolinska

Photo: Ben Cope

Katarzyna102.jpg Katarzyna103.jpg Katarzyna104.jpg Katarzyna105.jpg Katarzyna106.jpg

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-Marie-   [Sep 01, 2008 at 04:17 AM]
I saw it and I agree with you... she was bitchy
PaleHeart   [Sep 01, 2008 at 05:41 PM]
Katarzyna-Jenah, was that looooong comment really necessary for this site? This is not a message board where we can post personal life experience, this site is about looking and give comments about pictures.
TaiOfMine   [Sep 01, 2008 at 06:13 PM]
@ ineedamodelchick, Sophie & david18 : I'm not sure I can clearly explain my stance on contestant bashing versus flaming other members so that anybody else would understand it... but I can try I guess. These girls went on a reality TV show, which made them public figures open to criticism, insults, and unjustified hate. While some of you might find the 'she looks anorexic'/'she's a pig' offensive or just plain repetitive... it's somebody's opinion, and I feel they have the right to express it. Personally, I want to drop kick everybody who still compares Saleisha to Tootie or Dora... or calls her Suckleisha. And the 'eat a cheeseburger' comment makes me want to scream. As immature as these comments are, I realize that people have opinions that will differ from mine no matter how crudely they may phrase them. We're all pretty into this show... some girls we love, some girls we hate with a passion. HOWEVER... just because we may not agree with somebody else's opinions does not mean we have to call them 'stupid whores' or any such thing. There's a difference between expressing an opinion and being rude to somebody expressing their opinion. Does that make sense at all? T_T;;;

@ PaleHeart : That was a quote from a forum about why Katarzyna's MySpace got deleted. So it's sorta on topic. Not that I really care if y'all go off topic. There's no rule that you have to only talk about the photos... which should be obvious by some of the things I've let stay - like the ProjRun chit chat, the sillyness in one of Jenah's promo shots and the manga talk in one of Wendy's pictures. Smile
steagle   [Sep 01, 2008 at 06:35 PM]
yah tai i hate that burger comment too. i have a sister who is about half way between jaslene and kat in size but she isnt annorexic and the way some people comment about the girls on here makes it seem like they have to be annorexic to be thin even if they are naturally skinny.
hottfroggy77   [Sep 01, 2008 at 07:39 PM]
kat looks a lot bigger in some preshow photos so who is to say she is naturally skinny....
and anglemenos's comment proves exactly how psychotic we are becoming honestly when he/she said her looking anorexic is beautiful... that is wrong
PaleHeart   [Sep 01, 2008 at 08:07 PM]
I guess youre right Tai, i'll take back my comment toward Kata-Jenah (whoa...). But what i said about the "eat a hamburger" comment was actually how i feel about the photo itself. I like Kata but i dont like how the photographer is portraying her the way how i think is wrong, no matter how "fashionable" it is. Fashion is a dirty buisness afterall. Rolling Eyes
Sophie   [Sep 01, 2008 at 09:13 PM]
Hottfroggy: Who is to say she is anorexic? Just because she was abit heavier pre-show doesn't make her anorexic.
ineedamodelchick   [Sep 01, 2008 at 10:11 PM]
TAI, I do understand, what you're saying completely. however, I think its a clear line between one's opinion of the pictures/model, and someone being overly rude and offensive.
Katarzyna-Jenah   [Sep 01, 2008 at 11:00 PM]
Personally I think people are going bonkers over these avant garde test shots. She's obviously gonna look thin and "disturbing" as some ppl say. Thats the style of photography. She doesn't look this thin in the "soft and serene" test shot. Plus, she looked really thin in her 1st GL Factory shots, but her Elite test shots were normal sized. So I just think the style of photography needs to be taken into consideration here.
androidastig   [Sep 01, 2008 at 11:10 PM]
you gotta love the silliness in one of jenah's promo shots.. Very Happy
Katarzyna-Jenah   [Sep 01, 2008 at 11:23 PM]
^that reminds me, I emailed TAI some photos. JENAH DID A PHOTOSHOOT!! The pics aren't WOW but hey at least its something. I emailed the makeup artist and Jenah about it... so we'll see about the whole "agency" thing.
TaiOfMine   [Sep 01, 2008 at 11:35 PM]
@ ineedamodelchick : It's entirely possible I'm a bad judge of that line. Or my version of that line is hella fuzzy.

@ androidastig : I really do. Whenever I went a laugh, I just read over the comments. XD

@ Kat-Jen : OMG. A Jenah photoshoot?!? I didn't even like Jenah... but that excites me. Very Happy Very Happy
Katarzyna-Jenah   [Sep 01, 2008 at 11:35 PM]
^tai did u get my email? I sent it like 10 mins ago.
TaiOfMine   [Sep 01, 2008 at 11:37 PM]
lol. Your too fast for me Kat-Jen... I didn't even have time to finish editing that comment. XD Yeah! I got it!
Katarzyna-Jenah   [Sep 01, 2008 at 11:44 PM]
yipeeeee. I know I was just lookin at her page, cuz she added me on myspace and I saw a comment a makeup artist left.. then I go to the page and its like BAM, Its Jenah. I screamed lol. But anyways, Back to this photo and body image and what not lol
AngelManos205   [Sep 06, 2008 at 11:04 AM]
Hell yeah! I had her in my friend list on myspace and I was pretty amazed when the account was deleted! Whoa!
Mycatjewel   [Nov 01, 2008 at 08:08 PM]
I love this shoot too. She handled it with subtle sexuality.
shortstuff04   [Jan 03, 2009 at 01:55 PM]
This is goergerous...i just love this pic so much..its so different, and beautiful..its so wierd too but i just love it!!!
redsoxrule794   [May 03, 2009 at 09:52 AM]
PHOTO: Ben Cope
iLoveKatarzyna   [Sep 08, 2009 at 02:23 PM]
stunning! one of my fave of this set.

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