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Angelea Preston
Photo: Mike Ruiz

Angelea Preston

Photo: Mike Ruiz

[ANTM]_Angelea05.jpg [ANTM]_Angelea06.jpg [ANTM]_Angelea07.jpg [ANTM]_Angelea08.jpg [ANTM]_Angelea09.jpg

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endiebaybie91   [May 11, 2010 at 04:44 PM]
are we talkin about the girls on top model or are we talkin about somthing that happend in your personal life that you hate on white girls
lilgina12   [May 11, 2010 at 06:18 PM]
i didn't know where new zealand was until the show Embarrassed but i was way closer then jessica.
shiru   [May 11, 2010 at 07:11 PM]
She does not look anything like Stacy McKenzie. That is such an insult to Stacy. Stacy has such gorgeous lips and her face isn't as mannish as Angelea's. I will admit they have similar coloring (and Angelea's skin is better), but that's it, the resemblance ends at the coloring only.
lilgina12   [May 11, 2010 at 09:14 PM]
i would actually take angelea over stacy, i dont think angelea looks drag just really haggered and trashy at times.
shiru   [May 12, 2010 at 03:38 AM]
@bluslayzler Stacy doesn't look drag. Yeah her voice and body shape leave much to be desired, but she takes gorgeous photos and looks like a woman in them. Angelea should be compared with Dominique Reighard, the only other model I know of that's more drag than Angelea is. Dominique photographs older, and looks more mannish, but at least she has the skill to pull off the softness. Take a look at her paint shot from C10, that's soft. This is not. This is dead. So yes, there are drag queens in the modeling industry, but only the ones skilled enough to make themselves NOT look drag.
shiru   [May 12, 2010 at 03:46 AM]
I don't know what you see in Stacy's photos. I see a somewhat different face, that at the very least does not look like a man's. Her features are too round and soft to look manly. You are bringing her personality into your judgment of her photos, because she does act drag, but her features and the way she photographs most assuredly are not.

I never disagreed that Angelea could not do runway. In fact, she is perfect for runway. But you are delusional to think that Angelea has mastered her face in her photoshoots, because she hasn't. She has not looked soft yet. She only has looked dead. She needs to keep practicing, or else just stick to runway, which is good enough. She has a place in the modeling industry, but she's still too rough around the edges to make it to the top.

Model material is nothing if you don't know how to use it.
shiru   [May 12, 2010 at 03:59 AM]
Have you ever just cropped out Stacy's hair and body and looked at her face? Her face is definitely not drag. That's all I'm talking about here, not her walk, haircut, personality, or body that makes her look mannish. Her face is very round, with soft cheekbones. She has the thickest lips I have ever seen, which I would be surprised to find on a man. She has Angelina Jolie lips. She's not drag IN THE FACE, even if everything else about her is drag.

By saying she is a top model, you implied that she is not only good at runway, but also in photoshoots. Photoshoots are her weakest at this point. She needs to improve, or she will be out, because each weeks' elimination is based primarily on photoshoots anyways. Her portfolio overall is not nearly as strong as Krista's, or Raina's, or even Alex's.

I never said there WEREN'T any drag girls in modeling. Quite the contrary, drag girls have an advantage of having lots of angles and planes to work with. But ONLY if they have the skill to work with them and be versatile. AGAIN, Angelea does not have that skill YET.
shiru   [May 12, 2010 at 04:06 AM]
Whatever, there is no point in arguing. We will agree to disagree in terms of Stacy's face, because I think it looks like a more exaggerated version of Angelina Jolie's face. But everything else is correct, she is drag in pretty much everything else.

By fashion model, you mean high-fashion model, correct? Just so we're clear here, because a true fashion model needs to be good at photoshoots. They need to have the full package, or they're just runway models, or just beauty models, or just photo models, etc. Top models are high-fashion models. Not all high-fashion models are top models, so that was my mistake, I misinterpreted your calling her a fashion model, which Angelea isn't yet. Based on her performance, she is the quintessential runway model, and not yet a fashion model even if she does hold the potential.

You really should stop putting words in peoples' mouths. I never said that only pretty white girls could make it. I have always stood by the fact that it's actually the not-so pretty girls who can make it far in the industry because they have the opportunity to look pretty, ugly pretty, or some other alien high-fashion thing entirely. They just need to work harder to master their faces, because it's so different from the conventionally pretty face, regardless of what color skin that face is.

She can be in Paris, but only for fashion week where there's runway. I suppose if that counts in your eyes, then whatever. I don't think she can maintain a long-term contract, because that would mean photoshoots. Moreover, she can't keep being fake for that long. Eventually she will show her true self, and that may antagonize people in the industry who are used to class.
shiru   [May 12, 2010 at 04:30 AM]
Stop being so hard on Jessica. She's also 18 you know, and hasn't yet gone to college. She probably never will because she was stupid enough to get herself pregnant and married, but that's another matter entirely. As long as we agree that Angelea is still a diamond in the rough. As far as potential goes, she has it, she just doesn't know how to use it. It sucks that she gets false confidence from the judges instead of actual constructive criticism in how to model better and more motivation to improve from the beginning, rather than now, which I think is too little too late.

I am on the fence about rooting for her. Based on her actions on the show now, I'm not certain her attitude is in the right place. I'm glad she's not being defeatist, but at the same time, sabotaging other girls (namely Krista) is not the road to improvement, which is the ultimate victory.
shiru   [May 12, 2010 at 04:43 AM]
I'd be willing to bet Alasia didn't know either. Heck, you should take a look at Stephanie Hart (aged 16) from Ausntm Cycle 3. She didn't even know Chile or Morocco were countries! Ignorance can be cured, thank god.
KHFan90   [May 12, 2010 at 01:07 PM]
You call Jessica ignorant and say she has an INexcusable lack of knowledge, yet you can't type correct sentences to save your life. Way to be a hypocrite. I'm done feeding your trolling.
  [May 14, 2010 at 08:27 AM]
This is her best shot. Its subtle and strong
dscott678   [May 17, 2010 at 04:29 PM]
Angelea is Black, Puerto Rican, and Italian!!! She looks PR though!!
aero847   [May 22, 2010 at 12:16 AM]
This shot is so fricken amazing. Her best shot by far. I love it. She had such a hard life; I actually kind of like her. She delivered. Everyone needs to stop hating on her. Especially the mothers, she lost her child, she was homeless, she suffered.
antm_lov   [May 23, 2010 at 11:31 PM]
This is a good photo. She looks pretty. BUT, I think that is not a photo to be "the first call". It is not covergirl and it is not "fashionista"...A lot of girls like Alexandra did a better job. So...
lf1234   [May 25, 2010 at 07:39 AM]
This is near perfection. She embodied her character the most and brought her Angelea personality to the shoot and worked it for all it was worth. LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yaya4Mora   [Jun 03, 2010 at 07:36 PM]
^^Jessica was homeschooled. Essentially, she was abused by her parents for keeping her ignorant.
acroellory   [Jun 05, 2010 at 12:19 PM]
my call-out: 1)Angelea, 2)Anslee, 3)Krista, 4)Jessica, 5)Alexandra, 6)Brenda, 7)Raina, Cool (duh) Alasia
danm96   [Jun 11, 2010 at 06:44 AM]
"OOO OOO" lol I loved her reaction to FCO
ineedamodelchick   [Jun 11, 2010 at 10:21 AM]
I loved when she first walked onto set..Jay was like "are you gonna rock it?" she responds, "YES SIRRRR!" lol..i always loved her swagga!

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