Jay Manuel said that London did a good job... well by my memory anyway. This definitely wasn't her best photo in that case. If anything, a beauty shoot for London would be better than a full body one. She's stunning close up.
I think its beautiful. But why was she so robbed? EVERY WEEK besides her final week she was told how awesome she was doing by Jay. and plus, her makeup was WAY too heavy here.
London's the definition of pear. No one wants to buy clothes off 4934579348759348759 inch hips. Now it is, however, a different story if London was bigger all around. That would be more desirable. Proportions are everything in this business.
I think the big splotch of random blue RIGHT in the corner of her mouth kind of interupts the picture. when I look at it, I tend to focus on just that clump of color
London and Sandra must have pissed of Sutan/Raja along with the rest of the makeup crew or something because oh my god do both of them look horrendous she really just looks sick here and I would have cut her here because even if you fixed the paint disaster she would still look sick.